At iPB Printing, we are actively committed to sustainability, both at the product, environmental, and social levels. Our efforts focus on reducing waste, optimizing production processes, and creating a positive work environment for our employees.
Product development
We besteden veel aandacht aan het ontwikkelen van duurzame verpakkingsoplossingen. Zo zijn onze gelamineerde labels ideaal voor herbruikbare producten, zoals drinkbekers. Daarnaast zoeken we altijd naar ‘mono-materialen’ zodat het eindproduct inclusief verpakking samen te recycleren is. Met ons ‘recypeel’ concept gaan we nog een stapje verder en creëren we een verpakking die tijdens het recycleerproces verwerkt kan worden tot een zuiver materiaal dat opnieuw te gebruiken is voor foodpackaging.
Environmentally conscious production
To minimize waste, we focus on using as little material as possible during the production process. The leftover material is disposed of through clean channels so that it can be reused as pure raw material. This material is also shredded to reduce its volume, resulting in less transportation needed.
Additionally, we code all materials used in production. This coding prevents different materials from being mixed, allowing them to be collected separately and reused as new plastic.
For shipping, we make as much use as possible of EUR pallets instead of disposable variants. Non-EUR pallets from our suppliers are separated by size and resold for reuse whenever possible. Even in small matters like drinking coffee, we make sustainable choices: reusable cups are standard for us.
Energy-efficient technology
Our (new) production machines are designed to consume as little energy as possible. A concrete example of this is the switch to LED drying instead of traditional UV technology. This not only reduces our energy consumption but also contributes to a cleaner environment.
Social sustainability
Sustainability at iPB Printing goes beyond just the environment. We place great value on the sustainable employability of our employees. By creating a pleasant work environment with music and plenty of light, we ensure a pleasant atmosphere in production. Additionally, we invest in tools that make the work physically lighter, such as electrically powered pallet trucks and mechanical lifting supports.
With these initiatives, we strengthen our social footprint and ensure that our employees remain healthy and motivated.